Confined Cruiser 3D Design, 3D Modeling Software, 3D Printer, Block Coding, CNC, Communication, Detail-oriented, Electronics, Industrial Robotics Technology, Intermediate, Mobile Robots, Sphero, Technology Foundations / Mobile Robot Projects
Rapid Response Robotics 3D Modeling Software, 3D Printer, Advanced, Block Coding, CNC, Collaboration, Communication, Engineering Drawing and Design, Industrial Robotics Technology, Maritime Navigation, Mobile Robots, Sphero / Mobile Robot Projects
Cool Waters, Cool Tech 3D Design, 3D Modeling Software, 3D Printer, Adaptability, Advanced Drawing and Design, Attention to Detail, Engineering Drawing and Design, Intermediate, Measurement, Mechatronics I, Tolerances / 3D Printer Projects
Crabbing Crane 3D Design, 3D Modeling Software, 3D Printer, Advanced, Analyzing and Troubleshooting, Communication Systems, Critical Thinking, Engineering Drawing and Design, Management, Modeling & Simulation Technology, Tolerances / 3D Printer Projects
Additively Manufacturing Maritime Solutions 3D Design, 3D Modeling Software, 3D Printer, Design Thinking, Intermediate, Knowledge of Material Properties, Manufacturing Systems I, Materials and Processes Technology, Problem Solving, Technical Drawing and Design / 3D Printer Projects
Rafts, Boats, Ships, OH My! 3D Design, 3D Modeling Software, 3D Printer, Creativity, Innovation, Mathematical Skills, Novice, Problem Solving, Technical Drawing and Design / 3D Printer Projects
My First 3D Printing Project 3D Design, 3D Modeling Software, 3D Printer, My First / 3D Printer Projects Designed for anyone who has never 3D printed before, with step by step instructions