Wave Whisperer 3D Modeling Software, aquatrak, Attention to Detail, Communication, Intermediate, Manufacturing Systems I, Problem Solving, Production Systems, Technology Foundations / Capstone Projects
Inspector AquaBot Advanced, Coding, Electronics, Engineer Explorations I, Industrial Robotics Technology, Mathematical Skills, Problem Solving, Technology Foundations / Embedded Systems Projects
Confined Cruiser 3D Design, 3D Modeling Software, 3D Printer, Block Coding, CNC, Communication, Detail-oriented, Electronics, Industrial Robotics Technology, Intermediate, Mobile Robots, Sphero, Technology Foundations / Mobile Robot Projects
Nautical Precision Pursuit Coding, Detail-oriented, Electronics Systems I, Embedded Systems, Novice, Raspberry Pi, Spatial Skills, Technology Foundations, Technology Skills / Embedded Systems Projects
Coastal Cleanup Block Coding, Dobot, Electronics, Environmental Ethics, Industrial Robotics Technology, Novice, Project Planning, Robotic Arm, Technical Skills, Technology Foundations, Technology of Robotic Design / Robotic Arm Projects
Aqua Gazer Block Coding, Collaboration, Intermediate, Mobile Robots, Problem Solving, Programming, Programming Languages, Sphero, Technology Foundations / Mobile Robot Projects